Tutator Forward
It is our pleasure to greet you and share the exciting news about the Tutator Forward 2023-2024 program with you. First and foremost, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your invaluable participation and dedication throughout this process. It was a truly unique opportunity for Tutator, allowing us to learn a great deal from your work and understand the impact you are making to improve our world. We sincerely congratulate you for it.
We are delighted to announce that the 4 winners of the Tutator Forward 2023-2024 have been selected. To view the complete list of winners, we invite you to click on the following link: Tutator Forward. In addition to the winners’ names, you will find statistics from the process and other relevant information.
We extend our sincere thanks for your participation and encourage you to subscribe on the same Tutator Forward page to receive further updates on future calls and other announcements.
Wishing you great success in all your important endeavors, we bid you farewell with warm regards.